Duration: 1 hour

Many computer technicians work from home initially until they feel that they have a sufficient customer base to warrant expansion into a larger site. Some initial research will need to be done to determine the amount of business that might be expected. This will probably dictate size, location and cost of moving out of the home workshop. In this course, you will learn how to establish a computer repair workshop, including layout, tool selection, scheduling, and more.

1 Lesson
Duration: 1 hour

There are many different types of threats to cyber security. Some are obvious, and some are unseen until it is too late to do anything about it, some may never be seen. There are basically two ways that attacks can occur, passive and active. In this course, you will learn what cyber security is, about the goals and importance of cyber security, important terminology relating to cyber security, and more.

1 Lesson
Duration: 1.5 hours

There is no such thing as a 100% secure cyber system. There are always bugs, risks of attacks, data theft, data tampering, and more. Cyber security experts are well aware of this; this is why system architects employ a strategy called defence in depth. In this course, you will learn about the concept of cryptography and the importance of encrypting and decrypting data, and about components of cryptographic protocols and the common standards used in encryption and decryption.

1 Lesson
Duration: 1.5 hours

A firewall is one of the most important security features available for users to protect their devices against a range of potential attacks and is considered a fundamental security tool. A firewall might be either hardware-based, software-based, or a combination of both. In this course, you will learn about firewalls, Intrusion Detection System (IDS), and an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) and their relationship to cyber security.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3 hours

Digital certificates play a very significant role in internet security. Certificates are used for security and identification. In this course, you will learn the importance of digital signatures and digital certificates in securing web traffic, about how digital signatures are used, and how to generate, exchange and verify Digital Certificates. You will also learn about web browsing security issues using the http protocol.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

A data centre houses the servers and data warehouse computers containing information you want to protect. Securing the facilities around your data centre does not just mean protecting it from hackers; physical breaches of entry and natural or unavoidable disasters must also be considered. In this course, you will learn about how to secure physical data storage, data centre security, data warehouse and networks, and discuss implementation of key methods.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

An online digital footprint refers to the trail left by the actions performed by a user online, such as social media activity, browsing history and online shopping, as well as photo and video galleries for that user. There are hundreds of third party advertisers and tracking technologies used online to collect individuals’ data on the internet and create an “online portrait” of the user. In this course, you will about the effects of leaving a wide online digital footprint and learn the options available for users to manage their online digital footprint.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

When organizations are trying to secure their assets, knowledge equates to power. As businesses constantly increase their dependence on information technology -- including placing/migrating data to the cloud, IoT (internet of things) devices, mobile devices, social platforms, and others – their exposure to cyber risks continues to rise significantly. In this course, you will learn how to perform a vulnerability assessment; understand the tools and techniques available; and to compare and contrast vulnerability scanning and penetration testing.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2.5 hours

Wireless data communication technology eliminates the need for physical, cabled connections to a network. This has brought in the benefits of unprecedented mobility and roaming capabilities but has also introduced the concept of a network’s “blurred edges” because wi-fi signals are no longer restricted by physical boundaries. In this course, you will learn about the various types of wireless data communications networks and the types of vulnerabilities and attacks against each of them.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3 hours

Define Access Control and become familiar with its terminology; understand the importance of implementing access control models; define authentication and understand the importance of creating and securing strong passwords and implementing double-factor or multi-factor authentication using the various means of authentication.

1 Lesson
Duration: 1.5 hours

Businesses and individuals need an incident response plan in place to reduce the likelihood of an attack intended to cause them loss or harm. Each person or business will need an individual plan that suits their needs. A majority of the effort must be done before an attack or breach has occurred, to form something of an insurance policy. In this course, you will learn about how to recover from a cyber-attack and consider best procedures for setting up redundancy and quick recovery methods prior to an attack.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

Cyber security requires an ongoing effort of keeping up with the latest threats and vulnerabilities, but in order to implement it properly, it’s very important to establish well defined processes for strengthening the network’s level of protection. In this course, you will learn about how to manage the network in order to strengthen network control, through managing security events, implementing better network auditing strategies, and managing an intrusion detection and prevention system.

1 Lesson
Duration: 1.5 hours

Electricity is the flow of an electric charge. Everything in the physical world is made up of atoms. Atoms are composed of different types of particles – electrons, protons, and neutrons. Electricity is the flow of charged particles. The electrical flow is called the current. It is measured in amperes (i.e. "amps" or "A") and is represented in equations by the capital letter "I". In this course, you will learn about the nature and scope of electricity, electric currents and applications for electric power.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

The flow of electricity can in some respects be compared to the flow of water through a pipe. The strength of the water current in such a situation depends upon the difference of potential and the nature and dimensions of the channel or pathway that the water is flowing along. In this course, you will learn about how electricity is measured, generated, and stored.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

Passive components include things such as resistors, capacitors and inductors. While active components require a power source to function, passive components do not. They are the opposite of active components such as transistors, oscillators, and integrated circuits. In this course, you will learn to identify and explain the function of important electrical components including resistors, capacitors and inductors.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

Electricity flows through a conductor by electrical pressure exerted from a source of electricity. The source might be either a battery, an alternator driven by an engine, a generator or a power point (indirectly a source from a power station). Current only flows though if there is an unbroken circuit of conductors, allowing electricity to flow from the source, through the conductors and then back to the source. In this course, you will learn how to read and draw basic circuit diagrams.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

Printed circuit boards are in almost every electronic component that we use, from watches to fridges, phones, laptops and cars. They are used to connect input and output devices, connect capacitors, microchips, relays, resistors etc together. In this course, you will learn how to identify and explain the function of these circuit boards alongside other components commonly found in electronic devices, including switches, transistors, semiconductors, integrated circuits, relays, diodes and transformers.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3 hours

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. An HTML page is a text file that contains special characters called markup tags. The tags describe how the page should be displayed when you view it via a browser. In this course, you will learn the basics of HTML, including tags, proper structure, layout, and an introduction to CSS. You'll also work through the steps to create your first HTML page.

1 Lesson
Duration: 4 hours

Cascading Style Sheets are a code element designed to control the appearance and the layout of a webpage. Web pages that incorporate CSS use what are known as Style Sheets or style tags to accomplish things such as positioning, colours, appearance and even how different elements on a page are shown depending on the size of the screen (this is called responsive design or responsive CSS). In this course, you will explore the use of CSS to position, display and align web content and how they can be used to manage layout.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

A browser determines how a hyperlink will be displayed. The HTML standard requires that visited, unvisited and active links are displayed by browsers as underlined and purple, blue and red respectively. This is the default – you can use styles to customise the appearance of links to suit your site design. In this course, you will learn the different types of HTML hyperlinks used to navigate a webpage and a website, alongside how to understand the importance of navigation in relation to people browsing your site.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

There are three common types of image files used on web pages, .jpg (pronounced “jay-peg”) and .gif (pronounced “gif”, not “jif” which is a common mistake). Many other file formats are also used, for example .bmp, .pcx, .tiff etc. However, .jpg .gif and .png are amongst the most popular as they are platform independent and most image editing software can create and edit them. In this course, you will learn how to add images to a web page and understand the importance of page weights and download speeds.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3 hours

Used well, colour can add interest to a web page. Too much colour or bad colour combinations can make pages difficult to read. Some colour combinations are more stressful on the eye than others, and are said to "vibrate" when placed next to each other; for example, yellow and purple, blue and orange, or green and red. In this course, you will learn about the use of HTML color and bgcolor tags and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to control the appearance of a web page.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

It is always very tempting to jump in and start building your site the minute the specification is finished. However, often a specification is only a rough outline of what is required and does not fully address all the key issues related to building a successful website. It is always far easier to make changes in the planning stages than after you have started building the site. In this course, you will learn about the importance of interpreting web site specifications in the planning and constructing of a web site.

1 Lesson
Duration: 1 hour

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. FTP is a protocol for transferring files over the Internet and you may well have used it without even knowing it. If you have clicked on a link to download software this was probably an FTP link. In this course, you will learn how to use FTP to upload files and take your website live.

1 Lesson
Duration: 1 hour

All electronic devices are designed to input energy in the form of electricity, process that energy within the device then output something at the other end. Common outputs are light, sound, and physical movement. Input devices are components that are designed to capture something from the user; output devices are components designed to give back something to the user. In this course, you will learn about how electric devices engage with a user, both through input and output components.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

The main difference between digital and analogue electronics is the ability to replicate data and its functions. When working in electronics you are dealing with both analogue and digital systems. You can essentially build analogue systems which will do the same thing as digital systems, but the complexity and design is more difficult. In this course, you will about how digital electronics and how they differ to analogue electronics.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

Solder is what is used as a connecting medium for electronics. There are many different types of solder available ranging from different materials they are made from, different blends of metals and different thicknesses. It all depends on the application that will be soldered as to which solder will do the best for the application. In this course, you will learn about the operation, maintenance and repair of a range of electronic devices.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3 hours

Graphic design involves both technical and creative work tasks. Art and design are both conceptual processes. Both aim to communicate ideas to an audience. Art work is intending to communicate ideas that have originated with the artist. Design work is intending to communicate ideas from a client to deliver a message from someone other than the designer. In this course, you will learn about the scope and nature of graphic design using common terminology used by graphic designers to communicate with each other.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3 hours

Any piece of design work can be described according to many different characteristics. Most experts call these principles or fundamentals; others may use different words. The way you compose text and images will be dependent upon the characteristics you seek in the finished product. In this course, you will learn about the ideas that affect the choices made by graphic designers in creating the designs which they produce.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3 hours

There are literally millions of different colours which can be used in graphic design and unlimited ways of combining them. It is essential that a graphic designer develops a thorough understanding of colour in order to use it to its greatest advantage. In this course, you will learn how to identify different colours and select appropriate colours for different applications in graphic design projects.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

Typography involves the choosing and using of letters in the words you produce in your graphic design. Typeface selection can be a very subjective and personal decision that is easily affected by bias of a designer. A good designer must choose typefaces that are most suited to the job in hand, and suitable for the client and the reader. In this course, you will compare a range of different type options in a variety of different types of graphic design projects.

1 Lesson
Duration: 1.5 hours

Illustrations are still used to bring another dimension to print. They can be used to add humour or they may be used to express thoughts or concepts which are difficult to convey through words and text. Some computer software enables the user to create illustrations which are difficult to distinguish from water colour and oil paintings. In this course, you will learn how to create illustrations for use in graphic designs using different techniques.

1 Lesson
Duration: 1 hour

A logo is a graphic mark which denotes a particular company, institution, or individual. It is a company trademark, emblem, or similar device. Logo is short for logotype. A logo is often the first point of contact with the company, and thus it holds a lot of weight when it comes to making that important first impression. In this course, you will learn how to design different logos for different purposes.

1 Lesson
Duration: 1.5 hours

An important skill which all graphic designers need to accomplish is the art of successful layout. Whilst layout refers quite literally to laying out text and images to form a composition, there is more to it than one might think. In order to be effective, layout must not only get the message across, but it must also be organised effectively and attract the viewer's attention. In this course, you will learn about the process of applying layout design to graphic artwork for different purposes.

1 Lesson
Duration: 1.5 hours

The graphic design industry is one of several branches of the design industry. It is useful to gain an insight into how the design industry functions in society on a broader scale in order to appreciate the differences and similarities with other related career sectors. In this class, you will learn about how the graphic design industry functions within your locality.

1 Lesson
Duration: 1 hour

When you understand the work of other designers you can learn to recognise how their work evolved over time. Often an individual's work evolves in relation to their culture, to their society, the current trends and ideas of the time, and advancements in techniques and processes. In this course, you will learn how to develop greater diversity in your approach to design, by learning from the work of other designers.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

JavaScript is a programming language which contains a wide range of operators, similar to most other programming languages. In this course, you will learn about the most important categories of operators, including arithmetic operators, assignment operators, unary operators, conditional operators, comparison operators, string operators, and logical operators. This will help you develop knowledge of the basic programming constructs in JavaScript and their application.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

A function is a piece of code that permits the programmer to perform the same set of commands for as many times as they like without having to copy and paste the code each time. Storing code in a function can also prove to be time efficient, because the developer will be saving time for repetitive tasks by avoiding writing the same code many times in their program. In this course, you will learn about JavaScript functions and identify the correct JavaScript syntax to create new functions or call from existing libraries.

1 Lesson
Duration: 1 hour

JavaScript is a scripting language which was designed to add more interactive features to static HTML pages. JavaScript is a powerful scripting language which can be used to read and modify HTML elements, validate data, and it can also react to events such as a mouse click or a key press on the keyboard. In this course, you will to identify different locations for JavaScript; enable JavaScript in different browsers; understand the difference between client-side and server-side applications.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3 hours

ASP.NET is a web programming framework built on the Common Language Runtime that can be used on a server to build powerful Web applications. It allows you to customise the content of your website’s pages by executing code on the webserver. In this course, you will learn about the .NET framework and the advantages of ASP.NET over other web based languages, and create a simple ASP.NET page.

1 Lesson
Duration: 4 hours

SQL (structured query language) is the most common language used for communicating with relational databases. Traditionally, programming languages such as Basic, C# and C++ are known as ‘procedural’ languages. This means that in order to do something, a procedure is written telling the computer what to do. In this course, you will learn about the fundamentals of SQL, including common statements and errors.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3 hours

Understand the basics of Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET). This is essential, as VB.NET is a language that is often used for the coding of ASP.NET applications. In this course, you will learn about variables and inputs, arrays, operator precedence, strings, hard coding variables, program flow and branching, statements, and more.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

Database access is a crucial component of many ASP.NET applications. As we have learned so far, truly interactive sites require program code to control their more complex behaviours and offer features to the user. In this course, you will learn about the basics of databases and data access technologies used in ASP.NET.

1 Lesson
Duration: 1.5 hours

This course presents the foundations of artificial intelligence systems, including machine learning, and deep learning systems. You will learn its origin, the types of artificial intelligence systems, AI ethics principles, robots, its main applications, as well as the global economic importance of the advances of machine learning systems in several industry sectors. If you think this course is for you, enrol now!

1 Lesson