Duration: 2 hours

The cardiovascular system includes the heart (cardio) and the blood vessels (vascular). The system is responsible for pumping and circulating blood. In this course, you will find the classification of physiological and anatomical features in the cardiovascular, lymphatic and immune systems, including disorders, diagnostic procedures, symptoms of heart diseases, types of immunity, vaccination, and more.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2.5 hours

Learn about the digestive system, organs, glands and ducts involved in the digestion and breakdown of foods into molecular nutrients the body can use. Understand the meaning of words that describe physiological and anatomical features in the digestive and excretory systems, including disorders.

1 Lesson
Duration: 1 - 1.5 hours

The integument is the medical term for the skin. The skin is more complex than most people realise. With this short course you will learn the meaning of words that describe the basic physiological and anatomical features in the skin, including disorders that are noticed as growths and marks on the skin.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3 - 4 hours

With this course, you will learn about a broad variety of topics, from diagnostic and surgical procedures and equipment to storage and handling medicines, how to sterilise tools and equipment. You will also learn about microbiology, common bacteria found in medical setting, wounds and common words used to describe medical tools, equipment and procedures.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2.5 hours

Understand the meaning of words that describe physiological and anatomical features in the musculoskeletal system, including disorders. You will learn about the major muscles of the body, synovial joints, the relationship between the muscles and the skeleton, joint problems, bone infections, muscle disorders.

1 Lesson
Duration: 1.5 hours

The nervous system is spread through all areas of the body. It may be divided into the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system (the nerves running to and from the central nervous system. With this course, you will learn the terminology used to describe physiological and anatomical features in the nervous and sensory systems, including disorders.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3.5 hours

Pharmacology is the study of drugs, specifically bioactive drugs. With this course, you will learn about the general pharmacological terminology, such as the appropriate terminology used for Over the Counter, Prescription Drugs, and general medical terminology used in hospitals and clinics by doctors and nurses.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

Understand the meaning of words that describe physiological and anatomical features in the respiratory and reproductive systems, including disorders. the respiratory system, the process of respiration, pulmonary circulation, carbon monoxide poisoning, respiratory disorders; the anatomy of the male and female reproductive systems, reproductive disorders, pregnancy and terminology.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

Medical terminology is not only used in medicine by doctors and nurses but is also used in a wide range of associated professions. With this course, you will understand the origin of the medical words, their structure and you will also have a list of the most common terms used in medicine and allied professions.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3 - 4 hours

This course will take you from concepts of anatomy and physiology, terminology commonly used when it comes to back pain to injury prevention, treatment options for each type of spinal or muscular injury. You will learn the main types of spinal injuries, preventive care, muscle strengthening exercises, musculoskeletal structures, neurological injuries, assessing and screening for back injuries.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3 - 4 hours

When a movement in the human body occurs, energy must be released to cause that movement. That energy release happens via a chemical reaction where ATP is converted to ADP + P. In this course, you will get a basic understanding of sources of ATP, energy production pathways from different foods, what happens during exercises, fatigue, recovery, human anatomy, factors affecting performance, and more.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3 hours

Before starting a regular exercise, you must decide where to exercise and what equipment and facilities are needed. With this course, you will develop an understanding of the main differences between exercising indoors and outdoors, learn about the characteristics of each equipment for aerobic exercises, how to make decisions that will have a positive impact on reaching your fitness goals.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2.5 hours

You will learn about exercise movement components, how often, intensity and interval you can train, where to run or walk, what to monitor in order to avoid injuries, and fundamentals of swimming, cycling, surfing, boxing, cross-training, stretching, and several other exercises that can be done indoors or outdoors.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 - 3 hours

Fitness tests are conducted for various reasons. Testing both before and after a program, is an ideal way to determine whether improved results have been achieved. In this course, you will learn why fitness tests are done, what can be measured (e.g. body fat, weight, lung capacity, cardiovascular score and more) and how these parameters are measured.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3 hours

An exercise program consists of one or several sequences of training units - each sequence being carried out during a single training session. In this course, you will learn how to design exercise programs, decide the duration of the sessions based on fitness goals, learn the common steps applied in aerobic classes, class intensity and duration, warming up stage, simple exercises to use in your programs and more.

1 Lesson
Duration: 1.5 - 2 hours

Safety is an extremely important aspect of any exercise activity. There are several aspects that must be considered. In this course, you will learn the fundamental process of screening clients to determine their health in performing the exercises, examples of checklists for safety maintenance in aerobic facilities, screening questionnaires, medical clearance form.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

Aerobic exercise can be adapted to meet the needs of the individual. In this course, you will learn what to consider and to prioritize when designing programs for pregnant women, elderly, people with disabilities, adaptive athletes, children, overweight people or those with health concerns such as asthma, allergies, diabetes, fibromyalgia.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3 hours

No single food provides all the nutrients required for good health. With this course you will learn the nutritional value of foods, individual requirements; the amount of carbohydrate, fat, protein, fibre, minerals, vitamins present in a range of foods, nutritional daily recommendations and more.

1 Lesson
Duration: 1 - 2 hours

Sources of dietary advice will only ever be as good as the evidence (that is research) they are based on. The nutritional research can be observational and experimental. In this course, you will learn where to find reliable nutritional information, weight loss plans, different types of supplementation and what to bear in mind when researching the best diet for you.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

Although the dietary requirements differ between ages, in general, people’s nutritional requirements within a particular age range are relatively similar. With this course you will learn how much energy is required for each daily activity; learn to calculate basal metabolic rate, lean body mass, total daily energy expenditure, dietary requirements by different groups of people, allergies, intolerance and more.

1 Lesson
Duration: 4 hours

There is a link between medical conditions and nutrition. Often (though not always), your choice of foods can either aggravate or help ease a disorder. With this course you will understand the relationship between diet and diseases; how it affects organ functions; metabolism; nutritional requirements; diseases and nutritional deficiencies.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2.5 - 3 hours

Nutrition can be defined as the science of food and its relation to health. It involves processes where all people receive and process nutrients essential for life. In this course, you will learn what recommended daily intake (RDI) is; population based nutrient requirements; nutritional requirements in each life stage; healthy eating; digestion; how the digestive system functions.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

All kinds of chemical compounds occur in plants. Some are toxic, some may be toxic in high quantities, and others may be required in high concentrations to be of any use. The knowledge of these chemicals, and an understanding of what effect they may have, is imperative for herbalists. With this course you will learn the main chemical compounds found in medicinal herbs (primary and secondary metabolites), terminology, and the effects in the human body.

1 Lesson
Duration: 5 hours

There are literally hundreds if not thousands of plants that have been used for medicinal purposes. Those listed in this course are just a selection. You will find in this course an extensive list of the most common medicinal herbs, including taxonomy, distribution, appearance, culture, chemistry, uses and properties.

1 Lesson
Duration: 1 hour

Herbs have been used by humans for many thousands of years. Over the course of this time our understanding of their effects on our bodies has been learnt - initially through trial and error, and observations, then later through clinical trials. Today our knowledge of plants has given rise to a growing industry in botanical medicine.

1 Lesson
Duration: 1 hour

Herbs may be used externally in tinctures where they are mixed with alcohol, as ointments or in hot baths. For internal use, herbs may be prepared as teas or infusions. In this short course you will find information about how to make herbal tea, decoctions, oinments and how to improve the preparation process.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3 - 4 hours

Working with medicinal herbs offers many possibilities from herb farms to botany, and aromatherapy to complementary medicine. Despite living in an industrialised world, our connection with medicinal herbs and their bioactive ingredients is as significant today as it ever has been. In this course you will find legal and ethical information about herbal products, growing medicinal plants, what to consider when processing, staring a herb business and more.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3 hours

To properly engage in the field of building biology/health it is important to understand the impact that the sounding areas and the building itself can have on our health. The following material examines the interaction between buildings and the wider environment. For some of you it may be new, for others it may reaffirm knowledge that is already understood.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3 hours

Sexual maturation involves the development and maturation of primary and secondary sexual characteristics which will cause physiological and psychological effects on boys and girls. With this course you will learn what changes to expect in adolescents, factors affecting the age of puberty, hormones, and adolescent obesity.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

The human body exchanges gas with the external environment, taking in oxygen-rich air and returning carbon dioxide-rich air. Learn, in this course, about the physiology of gas exchange and transport in the human body, the important of partial pressure of gases, internal and external respiration, biochemistry of gas flow, gas exchange and solubility in the blood, respiratory control.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

The part of the brain dedicated to controlling the cardiovascular system is called the cardiovascular centre (CV centre). It is in a part of the brain called the medulla oblongata and it controls variables, such as: heart rate (HR), stroke volume (SV), and blood vessel diameter. In this course, you will learn the physiology of cardio-respiratory control and the nervous system, what happens during physical activities.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

There is an array of different diseases that fall under the category of cardiovascular disease. In fact cardiovascular disease is not one specific disease, but rather an umbrella term encompassing any disease affecting any part of the cardiovascular system; the heart (cardio-) or the blood vessels (vascular). With this course, you will learn the most common cardiac and pulmonary diseases, injuries, and their main causes.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

In an average human adult there is approximately five litres of blood circulating through the cardiovascular system. With this course you will learn about the blood components, blood typing, blood cells, cell function, immune response, haemostasis, circulatory networks, blood testing, blood disorder, and the lymphatic system.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

Whether we're awake or asleep, we don't have to think about breathing - it's so vital to life that it happens automatically. Each day, we breathe about 20,000 times, and by the time we're 70 years old, we will have taken at least 600 million breaths. With this course you will learn the function of the respiratory system, the anatomy of the lungs and the airways, the physiology of the breathing, measures of lung capacity and function, VO2max.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

Learn about factors that affect weight in the human body. The prevalence of obesity is increasing in all age groups, in an increasing number of populations worldwide. The rise in obesity rates has been accompanied by an increase in the range of opportunities to develop weight loss services designed to help clients not only lose weight, but also increase their fitness levels. In this course we shall examine how to set up effective weight loss services and provide you with the knowledge and skills to support these services.

1 Lesson
Duration: 1.5 - 2.0 hours

Learn the fundamental topics in bioenergetics, such as how energy is used in the human body to create work and power, energy supply, ATP-PC system, anaerobic and aerobic metabolism, recovery after physical activities,breathing, lactic acid system (anaerobic glycolysis), Krebs cycle, and more.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

Learn about blood flow, gas transport, what regulates the release of oxygen by haemoglobin, exercise, oxygen and carbon dioxide regulation, exchange of nutrients, gases and transport of metabolic wastes via the circulatory system, relative oxygen and carbon dioxide affinity of different forms of haemoglobin under different conditions.

1 Lesson
Learn about temperature regulation in the body. Humans are "homoeothermic", otherwise known as endothermic, which means that they maintain a steady body temperature like other mammals, and birds. Bodily temperature is controlled by the hypothalamus. Slight variations in body temperature cause the hypothalamus to send nerve impulses causing actions to either raise or lower temperature. Even the slightest body temperature changes will cause different and harmful reactions in humans.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

Energy is the capacity to do work. Internal energy is the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy. In this course you will learn about the major energy pathways during resting, work, recovery. You will also learn about the aerobic capacity, how much oxygen is consumed during exercise, metabolism, nutritional values from different types of food, and more.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3 hours

Nutrition also plays a key role in the development and maintenance of a healthy mouth, especially the teeth and gums. The food we eat affects our teeth. With this course, you will learn who needs fluoride, calcium intake, how the decay process works, how to prevent plaque, the main causes of tooth decay, the role of diet, dental hygiene and more.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

Learn about detoxification - methods, purpose and efficacy. Detoxification is the process of reducing the concentration of toxins which have accumulated in the body and brings these antagonistic compounds back to a level which the body is better able to cope with. The net result should be greater vitality and a stronger constitution. The body should therefore be less prone to disease, or other problems.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2.5 hours

Fibre is a complex carbohydrate made up of various types of sugars (the building blocks). With this course you will learn the role of dietary fibre in your diet, how they work in the body, digestion, conditions linked to low fibre consumption, cholesterol management. You will also learn how to increase your daily fibre intake, what bowel health and diseases are, and other fibre-related problems.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3.5 hours

The effect of food upon the body is not only influenced by what is eaten, but also by how it is eaten. With this course you will learn how different physical methods of food intake can affect health, including the time and order of eating, and chewing. Also, learn how to formulate a nutritionally balanced vegetarian diet.

1 Lesson
Duration: 4 hours

Food poisoning, although ever present, is also preventable. Correct handling and storage techniques for food can help prevent risk of illness. With this course you will learn about procedures to identify and avoid food poisoning, such as understanding the characteristics of bacteria responsible for food poisoning, treatment, cooking methods, food production, handling and deterioration.

1 Lesson
Duration: 3.5 hours

Learn how to manage food sensitivity problems. People vary in their ability to digest different foods and expel different waste products. What might be a valuable food to one person might be a toxin to another. With this course you will learn how to diagnose and deal with foods allergy, intolerance, cause and symptoms of anaphylaxis, food laws and labels, and more.

1 Lesson
Duration: 4 hours

The healthy body has a remarkable ability to process and eliminate unwanted chemicals. If there is an excess or unwanted component of food, they are likely top be eliminated through the urinary system or excretory system. Learn in this course about food risk factors, micronutrients lacking in most diets, low sodium diets, fats, cholesterol, sugar, heart disease, insulin resistance, BMI, metabolic syndrome, cancer, Protein Energy Malnutrition.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

pH is a measurement of the hydrogen ion concentration in a particular medium, such as water, blood, or even soil. With this course you will be able to explain what acidity and alkalinity are, the urinary system, the urea cycle, and the significance of the acid-base balance in the body when exposed to physical activities.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

Molecules are transported within the human body via active or passive transport. With this course you will learn the movement of materials in and out of living cells, the foundation of how molecules move through cell membranes, membrane structure, osmosis and filtration, hydrostatic pressure and different types of transport observed in the body.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

With this course you will learn what changing atmospheric pressure does on the body and how it responds to it. You will learn how changes in pressure affect the human body, partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide, breathing at different atmospheric pressures, adapting the body to changes in water pressure when diving.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

Ergogenic supplements are designed to enhance energy utilization and energy production. With this course you will learn what ergogenic aids are, their action mechanism in the body, how to know the correct dosage and how they can be used to improve body performance during activities or physical exercise.

1 Lesson
Course Duration: 3 hours

Medical research into the gut microbiome is one of the most exciting fields of research in recent years. For many years, psychologists and psychotherapists have argued that there is a connection between psychological ailments, psychosocial stressors and stomach disorders. They suggest that the stress we experience can affect how we think and our stomach and vice versa, feeling ill can affect our mental state.

Study gut-brain psychology to learn how probiotics affect our mental health state and can improve our overall health.

1 Lesson
Duration: 2 hours

Determine and interpret data related to a disease occurring in humans, animals or plants, and suggest some appropriate responses for reducing the impact of that disease.

1 Lesson